This module identifies the documentations that your registered charity should have on file. Documents about your organization’s charitable status should include: Notification of Registration Letter and Annual Information Returns (T3010).
This is a short module which identifies the documentations that your registered charity should have on file.
Documents about your organization’s charitable status should include:
- Notification of Registration (sample letter)
- Annual Information Returns (T3010)
If your organization is a registered charity under the Income Tax Act, you should have received a Notification of Registration letter from Canada Revenue Agency after your registration is completed.
This is the official notice from CRA about your registered charity status. You may be able to find it with other legal documents of your organization.
The Notification of Registration letter may include the following registration information:
- Official name of your charity
- Business Number (BN)
- Effective date of registration
- Designation , i.e. charitable organization, foundation
- Fiscal year end
- Date for filing first annual Information Return
- Requirements of charitable status
- Requirements of charitable status (Slide 4)
- Requirements associated with charitable status:
- Making changes to the charity’s purposes
- Issuing receipts acknowledging gifts
- Books and Records
- Filing the Annual Information returns
- Other Filing Requirements
- Audits
- Revocation of Charitable Status
Annual Returns
Your organization’s annual return is another document that has the information about your registered charity status.
Registered charities are required to file a Registered Charity Information Return (T3010).
More information about the return can be found at
Resources to help organize your charities documents
This series of workbooks provides practical advice to help board members of not-for-profit organizations organize themselves and comply with their legal requirements. N
Organizing Your Corporate Documents
This workbook is designed to help members of the boards of incorporated not-for-profit organizations in Alberta understand the legal world in which they operate. It is the companion to the workbook Understanding Your Corporate Documents.
This workbook will help your board create• an Organizational Binder for all the important documents that your board needs to have at its fingertips,• an Organizational Calendar of key dates, and• a list of key contacts.It will also help your board find out if your organization is• an incorporated not-for-profit organization, and• a charitable organization registered under the Canada Income Tax Act
Understanding Your Corporate Documents
This workbook is designed to help members of the boards of incorporated not-for-profit organizations in Alberta understand the legal world in which they operate.
See also:
Information in this module is provided for general educational purposes and not as legal or accounting advice. Consult a lawyer or accountant for professional advice.
Information is accurate as of 2019
For changes after this date, consult Canada Revenue Agency.