The following resources were developed by the Charity Central project team. The audiences for the resources are small, medium and large charities; staff, board members and volunteers involved with charities; and professionals and educational agencies that support the charitable sector. These resources were created to further assist registered charities and compliment the fundraising learning modules and FAQs.
Fundraising Activities Checklist
Planning a fundraising event? Developing a fundraising plan? This checklist will help you to be more accountable in your fundraising activities.
Fundraising and Tax Receipts
Fundraising events such as luncheons, banquets, or golf tournaments involve giving benefits to the donors. These benefits are known as advantages under the Income Tax Act. When calculating the eligible amount for an official donation receipt, these advantages must be taken into account.
Road to Accountability Handbook
This handbook introduces the concept of accountability, shares some good accountability and transparency practices and suggests a pathway for charities to learn more about how to be accountable.
Road to Accountability Handbook – Large Print
This handbook introduces the concept of accountability, shares some good accountability and transparency practices and suggests a pathway for charities to learn more about how to be accountable.
Road to Accountability Self-Diagnostics Pack
The purpose of this pack is to assist small and mid-size registered charities and non-profit organizations in assessing their accountability and transparency practices and in planning their further learning.
Road to Accountability Self-Diagnostics Pack – Large Print
The purpose of this pack is to assist small and mid-size registered charities and non-profit organizations in assessing their accountability and transparency practices and in planning their further learning.
Overview of CRA’s Guidance on Fundraising by Registered Charities
Podcast Transcript: Transcript of Podcast
This interview with Peter Broder, covers: * definition of fundraising * cost of fundraising activities * private gain * other CRA requirements and provincial fundraising requirements. Peter Broder is a lawyer and policy analyst with the Muttart Foundation in Edmonton, Alberta
Allocation and Reporting of Expenditures for Fundraising Activities
Podcast Transcript: Transcript of Podcast
Interview with Peter Broder, lawyer and Policy Analyst with the Muttart Foundation in Edmonton, Alberta on allocation and reporting of expenditures for fundraising activities with multiple purposes.
Third Party Fundraising
Podcast Transcript: Transcript of Podcast
Registered Charities and Third Party Fundraisers – Considerations when hiring fundraising professionals, do’s and don’ts of fundraising and more….
Fundraising by Registered Charities: The Basics
In June of 2009 CRA released its Fundraising Guidance for Registered Charities. The guidance provides information on everything from “what is fundraising” to “how to allocate fundraising expenses”. This informative presentation provides an overview of the guidance, talks about the ins and outs of allocation and reporting of expenditures for fundraising activities, and demystifies 3rd party fundraising. Presentation speaker: Peter Broder. The Webinar was held March 24th, 2010.
What is a Webinar? Short for Web-based seminar, a webinar is a learning event delivered over the web, combined with a conference call for the audio of the event. Each webinar in our series will be 60 minutes long, and feature interactive elements, so that participants can learn from the presenters but also ask questions and learn from each other.
Sponsorships:Interests, Public Benefit
The recent controversy over exclusion of the group Right to Play from the Vancouver Winter Olympics sheds light on a little discussed – or understood – corner of charity law. This article discuss the issues involved in this controversy. LawNow Volume 33, Issue 3 (January/February 2009) (keywords: sponsorship)
Fundraising Cost Ratios
In early April, a column appeared in the Vancouver Sun lamenting, yet again, examples of exorbitant profits earned by for-profit fundraising companies contracted by charities to solicit donations on their behalf. LawNow Volume 33, Issue 6 (July/August 2009)
Lessons for Canada in the American Approach to Telemarketing Fraud Against Charities
Earlier this year, The U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) won massive judgments against two different telemarketing groups for misrepresenting to donors the benefits to charities associated with their solicitation. In light of these judgments the article looks at Canada’s Competition Act and the constitutional authority given to the federal government. In Canada, it is more difficult for regulators to seek civil penalties as the Act focuses more on “false or misleading representations” usually related to products.